2K Film Scanning – Frame by Frame
Digital Mix offers 2K HD, frame by frame scanning of small gauge film formats. We can scan the following film formats.
- Super 8mm with or without sound
- Regular 8mm / Standard 8mm / 8mm Cine
- 9.5mm film – Pathescope
- 16mm film with optical sound track
Our 2K (2048 x 1576) high definition film scanning system captures film using the frame by frame process. The film transport system handles the film by it’s edges and has no sprockets or claws, this virtually eliminates the possibility of film damage.
Image capture is triggered by an optical system using the sprocket holes in the film as a reference. The unit also incorporates a cold light source, totally eliminating the possibility of burn through. Even film that has shrunk or has damaged sprocket holes can be captured, this is dependent on the extent of the deterioration.
Post scanning colour correction is done if and where required.
File types:
Output files can be supplied in the following popular formats.
- QuickTime uncompressed
- Image file sequence
- QuickTime – H264
- MP4 HD – H264
- DVD (SD Quality)
If you require a specific file type please contact us, we can output many different file types.
Cost for film scanning – Including GST
- Super 8 / Regular 8 – No audio – $ 7 per minute
- Super 8 / Regular 8 – With audio – $ 9 per minute
- 9.5mm film – $ 7 per minute
- 16mm film – no audio – $ 7 per minute
- 16mm film – with optical audio – $ 9 per minute
There are no setup fees or minimum charge. The minute count is summed from all the reels and round up to the nearest minute, then multiplied by the minute rate. For example, 3 x 3.5 minute reels = 10.5 minutes = 11 minute charge.
Use these charts to calculate approximate times for different film types.
Film with Audio?
Audio is captured separately and added at the post scanning phase. As a result the audio / video synchronization cannot be guaranteed 100%. Slight variations in the timing of the different machines can cause minor issues.
The film scanning system requires leaders of sufficient length to thread the machine. Damaged or short leaders will need replacement. There is an additional charge of $1.50 per 500mm leader. There are no other charges. Film splicing (if required) is included in the price
Film Supplies:
Digital Mix stock genuine Kodak film supplies.
Unfortunately film cement is extremely difficult to source and is considered a “dangerous product” by freight companies and airlines. We will continue to try and source film cement.
- Super 8 and Regular 8 Acetate Leader
- 16mm double perforated leader
- Splicing Tape

Digital Mix also trades as DVD Conversions Limited. www.dvdconversions.co.nz